catherine everett | blue sky vitality

rediscovering you!

I see you there. Shoulders heavy. Thinking about the next few things whilst still tackling the last. Juggling work, family, home life, feeling broken and knowing you’ll be doing it all again tomorrow?

Maybe your circumstances have changed recently and you haven’t been able to be in control of your own life for so long that it’s left you feeling listless.

Adulting can be tedious and unsatisfying.

You used to be vibrant. You used to know your purpose. You had buckets of enthusiasm and knew what to do with it but now you’re a little unsure of where to find that person, or indeed if she still exists.

Do you wish you could tune back into your teenage self? The version of you that danced all night on sticky floors and still managed to get up and out of bed in the morning! Do you wish you had the ability to take a holistic view of your current circumstances and see it in such a way that it becomes clearer and easier to see the steps you need to take to get closer to that happy-go-lucky version of yourself?

My Rediscovering You! can do just that. It takes a unique view of all aspects of your life and sets you on the path to liberating that 90s girl! She's still in there somewhere and I can give you the guidance to help you rediscover her.

Work with a coach that loves making a difference!

Provided in person or virtually, I will lead you through a workbook I have especially designed to highlight key areas in your life which may benefit from a tweak in order for you to access your inner 90s vibe. The answer may not be as obvious as you think and there's not a suggestion of a bubble bath in sight! Together we will identify a goal to focus on and you will make a pledge to achieve it. The tools and support you will gain during the course of this workshop will absolutely help you get back on track towards a sustainably more fulfilling life.

white clouds under blue sky at daytime

What's involved?

  • 90 mins with me, an accredited Wellbeing Life Coach and trained Mental Health First Aider and all round good human being
  • a useful and eye-opening workbook with a super inspiring recommended reading list

What will we cover?

  • an honest and holistic review of your current health and wellbeing situation using some thought-provoking tools
  • identify key areas of life which may benefit from a different approach
  • determine your main goal and make a pledge to achieve it

What will you get from it?

  • practical tools and a workable plan to help you head towards your goal
  • clarity, accountability and support
  • permission to put yourself first and foremost
  • empowerment to make sustainable change no matter how busy life around you is

Once you have completed the purchase using the button below, I will contact you using the email address provided below to make an appointment. If this workshop isn't for you but you'd like to keep in touch with me anyway, then just pop your email below and we can make that happen too!

I'm really looking forward to working with you!

Who am I?

My name is Catherine. I am a Wellbeing Life Coach, a Mental Health First Aider and a Reiki practitioner with a wealth of personal experience in life. When I lost my husband to terminal illness two years ago, I realised I had also lost myself in the process. I got on with the practicalities of living, parenting, working and very quickly learnt that what used to work no longer did. I had to figure out new strategies to cope with life.

People called have called me ‘inspirational’, ‘brave’ and ‘amazing’. Listening to these words of encouragement I retrained and started up Blue Sky Vitality so that I could help others find their way. Those that were struggling to work out what to do first to improve their life, those who thought life was too hard to handle and had lost hope and those who felt isolated and just needed a nudge in the right direction. As is my way, I have quite uniquely figured out a way to provide practical, sustainable support which slots into busy life.

I am now able to share this with you.

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